client-coach relationship:
the student-centred perspective

Body Control Pilates and orthoPilates are committed to a client or student-centred teaching practice. 
Why?teaching one to one, anywhere ...

We work to the client's own aims and aspirations:

These will be determined through our discussions and ongoing sessions andmay relate to

  • fitness
  • pain management
  • core strength or flexibility
  • post operative or post injury rehab
  • or just to be able to live a better and more able life (ADL)

each client's aspirations and needs come first in formulating a programme of exercises..

Learning, Teaching and Coaching

WE prefer the notion of coaching - it suggests a more collaborative relationship than the top down convention of 'training' where the trainer knows best and the client merely follows instructions. [Client-centred] coaching should be based on a mutual trust and a mutual intention. This is the basis of what, elsewhere, has been called co-intentional learning.

  • Fostering ownership of the exercise programme, and ytour own progress
  • by taking  control of your own good health and life (preventive health)
  • connecting mind and body through deep understanding of movement and actions


Pilates is more than just a series of exercises that the trained teacher directs learners to execute, with cueing and correction, for an hour before the learners - clients - emerge into the street feeling  better for their experience at the hands of their teacher.

Small classes allow the coach to be responsive

Because the classes are small, we can focus the work specifically to meet common needs - perhaps it's a group of over 50s, or office workers, or tennis players. With small classes we can learn together - you learn about your body and what it can do - and the coach has time to look and learn and guide on the path that suits you best.

For those of us who are no longer young: we work towards an understanding of the body, or perhaps memory of the body we once had. We focus on what it can still do with respect, attention and regular effort

Know your own Body

Your body awareness is heightened by bringing together mind and body - Body Control Pilates teaches you to be in control of your own body, allowing you to handle stress more effectively and achieve relaxation more easily. This is less easily done through old top-down teaching patterns, merely following a series of exercises without gaining understyanding and knowledge.

Mostly exercise classes feed you a diet of prescribed exercises. orthoPilates works togewther with you and yourt particular needs, in a graded exposure to new work as you begin to need and wanty it: so that ytou begin to digest the diet of do this do that , slowly trasnforming information into knopwledge.

And when you have knowledge, you can use if for yourself, applyting the principles and new strengtrhs as you move ab out yourt activitries of daily living.